May 2024
Keanu Johnson
FOOD & NUTRITION ASSISTANT, Hawthorne Middle/High Schools
I, Angela Jenkins, would like to nominate Keanu Johnson as the Employee of the month. Keanu came to us from a school board program that helps young students get ready for the work field. Keanu has worked with us for almost 5 years. Keanu has worked so hard this school year. Keanu will come in early or stay late if you need her to. Keanu knows how to work every position in the kitchen. She works very hard everyday to make sure that we complete every task in the workplace. If you need help with something Keanu will be the person to go to. If she sees you are in need of assistance with anything she makes it her business to ensure that you get the help that you need. Keanu goes above and beyond her job duties to help make both of our sites successful. Keanu helps with the Custo Bar, Grab n Go line, salads, FFVP, Suppers, you name it Keanu has done some of it. Keanu is always at work and on time daily. Keanu comes to work with a beautiful smile on her face and ready to work. I feel so very special to have Keanu working for me and with us. Keanu, your hard work and dedication to our team is greatly appreciated. Thank you, for all you do!!